Max Godsiff

4 min

Medicine Interview Checklist

Updated: Jan 20, 2022

The best way to make sure you have covered everything you need for your medicine interview is to check out our interview syllabus -

You will also find 10 Mock MMI Stations explained for free -

Below we have provided a 'checklist' of things you must cover for your medical interview. In you have any questions then please get in touch.

Why This Medical School?

Every medical school has a slightly different way of teaching medicine and believe that their way is the best. This means it’s important to know the specific way the medical school you are interviewing for teaches.

These differences can include:

  • Problem-based learning (also known as case-based discussion) or traditional teaching.

  • How is anatomy taught?

    • Do they use cadavers or prosections?

  • How are clinical skills taught?

  • What clinical experience do students receive? Is there any early clinical experience?

  • The city and the demographics of it are important to consider.

MasterMedPrep mock interviews are bespoke and tailored towards your chosen medical school.

Why Choose Medicine?

This is a question you’re likely to be asked so make sure you have a good idea of how to answer. Make sure to talk about the different aspects of the career and not just one as the interviewers will challenge this, asking you why not an alternative career. It’s important to not talk down about other healthcare careers when asked this, as someone in this career could be interviewing you.

You must have a unique answer to this question. If you are struggling then please contact us as MasterMedPrep has a lot of experience in helping students create excellent unique responses.

What Level of Medical Ethics Do I Need to Know?

Make sure your knowledge of medical ethics is strong before the interview as you are almost guaranteed to be asked questions about it.

What are the 4 pillars of medical ethics?

  • Beneficence.

  • Non-maleficence.

  • Autonomy.

  • Justice.

As well as knowing these pillars make sure you can apply them to theoretical clinical scenarios and use them when referring to your work experience and volunteering.

To prepare, try and assign a specific experience you had, or something you observed, to each of the medical ethical pillars. This will allow you to answer more effectively in the interview.

Several of our tutors at MasterMedPrep have a Master’s in Healthcare Ethics and Law. We consider ourselves experts in this area. Get in touch if you have any questions about medical ethics - no question is too easy or too challenging!

What Are The Main Qualities of a Doctor or Medical Student?

Doctors and medical students are expected to have personal qualities such as:

  • Empathy.

  • Communication skills.

  • Problem solving skills.

  • Organisational skills

The purpose of the interview is to assess if you have these skills. You will have demonstrated these skills in your volunteering and work experience already. So, to make sure you’re prepared to answer these questions at the interview, write out these traits and your experiences. Then make sure you have an experience for each personal quality. This means you’ll be able to answer any questions in the interview. A mock interview at MasterMedPrep is the perfect way to practice!

What Maths Skills Do I Need?

Calculation stations are common in MMI interviews as they assess arithmetic skills which are needed by doctors. These questions are similar to quantitative reasoning questions in that they’re not complicated but can be drawn out and long. SO it’s important to make sure the speed of your calculations is at the necessary level. You will use a non-scientific calculator in the interview so practicing with these is important for speed in the interview. We teach how to answer questions like this and other special stations on our MasterMedPrep interview preparation series.

What About My Personal Statement?

Make sure you know your personal statement inside out as you’re likely to be asked questions on it. You will also be expected to provide further detail and deeper reflection than in your statement so be prepared for this. Looking at the notes you used to write will be helpful for this.

How Should I Prepare for My Medical Interview?

While it is important to have a good idea about what you’ll answer for some questions it’s important not to memorise answers. This will lead to you giving answers that seem scripted and not genuine. You may even give answers that don’t answer the question directly.

What About Extra-Curricular Activities and Hobbies?

Don’t overlook preparing for questions on your extra-curricular interests. Medical schools want students who are balanced people and are able to cope with stress and avoid burnout. Do this by looking at the interests in your personal statement and reflecting on what you gain from them.

For example, playing on a netball team can help you destress but also provide a social network which is important to you.

What Reading Should I Do for My Medical Interview?

It’s common for you to be asked about areas of research you know about. You won’t be expected to have a great deal of knowledge about this but make sure it is recent. Pick a publication like the BMJ or New Scientist and find an area of research that interests you and is medically relevant. Then, learn the details of it so you can use it to answer in your interview.

Here are some useful resources:

Read some books (or get the audiobook). Here are some of Dan’s favourite ‘medical’ books which you can find on his bookshelf:

  • Bad Science - Ben Goldacre.

  • This Is Going To hurt - Adam Kay

    • Dan has also seen him twice at the theatre - he would recommend going to watch him!

  • Do No Harm - Henry Marsh.

  • Atul Gawande - Being Mortal.

  • War Doctor - David Nott.

How Do I Prepare for Hot Topics?

You will be expected to be aware of issues that are facing the NHS and the medical profession now. We teach a unique MasterMedPrep method for answering these questions. Here are some useful resources:


We at MasterMedPrep love a good podcast! Stick on a podcast whilst on the bus to school or before bed - whatever works for you. Here are our recommendations:


As a medical student you will be expected to get involved in research. Our founder, Dan, is an avid researcher and is widely published as a medical student. Check out his research by following the link below to see what kinds of things you can get involved with as a medical student and even get published in!